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ATT3042 Просмотр технического описания (PDF) - Unspecified

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ATT3042 Datasheet PDF : 80 Pages
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Data Sheet
February 1997
ATT3000 Series Field-Programmable Gate Arrays
Programmable Interconnect (continued)
Direct Interconnect
Direct interconnect (shown in Figure 11) provides the
most efficient implementation of networks between
adjacent logic or IOBs. Signals routed from block to
block using the direct interconnect exhibit minimum
interconnect propagation and use no general intercon-
nect resources. For each CLB, the .x output may be
connected directly to the .b input of the CLB immedi-
ately to its right and to the .c input of the CLB to its left.
The .y output can use direct interconnect to drive the .d
input of the block immediately above, and the .a input
of the block below. Direct interconnect should be used
to maximize the speed of high-performance portions of
logic. Where logic blocks are adjacent to IOBs, direct
connect is provided alternately to the IOB inputs (.i)
and outputs (.o) on all four edges of the die. The right
edge provides additional direct connects from CLB out-
puts to adjacent IOBs. Direct interconnections of IOBs
with CLBs are shown in Figure 12.
Figure 11. Direct Interconnect
Lucent Technologies Inc.

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